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go out with wearing shorts对吗


Could a Tattoo Cost You a Job? In the 1960s U.S., a tattoo was usually a sign of anti-social or illegal activity. Few people had them. Today, at least one in five Americans has a tattoo, including sports stars, actors and young professionals. But some people say tattoos still have no place at work.

典范英语6 《丛林短裤》故事梗概是什么?

典范英语6 《丛林短裤》故事梗概是:



On Monday ofternoon Class 3 were waiting for their first football lesson. Everbody was noisy and excited ,swinging their bags of football things .Lenny was at the back with the jungle shorts in his bag. He didn't want to put them on.


Mr Cox carried a big box of boots into the changing room. They spent a long time finding boots to fit everyone.‘Now put on your football things and be quick about it,’he said.Lenny got changed in a corner behind the door.


When they wer all ready Mr Cox shouted,‘get in line, everyone!’Lenny made sure he was at the back again. He didn't want anybody to see his jungle shorts and he hid behind Ted. He looked down to see what Ted was wearing and got a surprise.


Ted was wearing jungle shorts as well! Lenny nudged him in the back and said‘Your shorts are the same as mine!’


‘Yes,’said ted‘and the same as pam’s and tessa’s and shane’s!’It was true. All the friends from Lenny’s street were wearing junngle shorts. Mr Cox smiled.


‘Five childred in the same shorts. it muse be a record!’he said.‘And we all live in lyon street’said Lenny.‘In that case you must all play for the same team you can be the Lyon Street Lions.’

“五个孩子穿着同样的短裤。这一定是一张唱片!”他说。“我们都住在里昂街,”莱尼说。“那样的话,你们必须为同一支球队效力,你们可能就是里昂街狮队(Lyon Street Lions)。”

When Mr Cox had sorted out three more teams they went out to the playing field.They played five-a-side football until home time. The lions team beat all the others and Mr Cox said they were the champions.Lenny scored five goals.


In the changing room the children untied their muddy boots and put on their clothes.‘All kit must be washed and boots clean for next Monday.’said Mr Cox‘Don't leave it for your mum. Do it as soon as you get home and then you won’t forget.


Lenny was the first to be ready and he ran to meet his mum at the gate. He told her about his five goals and the Lyon Street Lions‘We’d better go home quickly now said Lenny.‘I have to clean my boots and wash my shorts!’


And when Mr Cox drove home for his tea later on he smiled to himself. On Lyon Street there were five pairs of jungle shorts blowing on the washing lines.




short 读音:英 [ʃɔ:t] 美 [ʃɔ:rt]



n.短路;缺乏;短裤 vt.故意少给…的零头,骗取 vi.短路

第三人称单数: short 复数: shorts 现在分词: shorting 过去式: shorted 过去分词: shorted 比较级: shorter 最高级: shortest



1、trunks 读音:英 [trʌnks] 美 [trʌnks]    

释义:n. 男用运动裤;游泳裤 名词trunk的复数形式.

例句:I have two pairs of swimming trunks.我有两条游泳裤。

2、slacks 读音:英 [slæks] 美 [slæks]    

n. 便裤;宽松的长裤 名词slack的复数形式.

例句:She was wearing blue linen slacks and a matching silk shirt.


3、trousers 读音:英 ['traʊzəz] 美 ['traʊzərz]    

释义:n. 裤子

例句:The boy's trousers need a patch on the knee.


4、jeans 读音:英 [dʒiːnz] 美 [dʒiːnz]    

释义:n. 牛仔裤

例句:Every other girl except me is wearing jeans.



每次我爸来电,都必定会问我两件事:“我能为你做什么吗?”和“你的车怎么样了?”我猜想他总问我能不能为我做什么,是因为他的爸(一位空军军官)从来没照顾他的需要,因此老爸决意要给我他没得到过的支持。在我年少时,他从未缺席过我的学校活剧表演或垒球比赛。事实上,他是那么的支持我,以至我有时渴望有个穿得好一点、关心少一点的爸爸。但我的爸爸从来都是穿着短裤、皮鞋和黑袜子,为我打气,期望我做出好的成绩。 他的另一个例行问题--“你的车怎么样了?”--我曾一直以为这是浪费长途电话费的,他该先把要说的问题写下来,再对身在他州的人说。我现在意识到“你的车怎么样了?”问的并不是车,而是一个父亲询问他成年女儿近况的方


爸爸每次打电话都会问我两件事:“我能为你做什么吗?”和“车怎么样了?”我猜想他总问我能不能为我做什么是因为他的爸爸(一位空军军官)从来没在他需要的时候给过他什么,因此爸爸下决心要给我他没得到过的支持。在我年少时他从未缺席过任何一场学校的戏剧表演或垒球比赛。事实上,他是那么的支持我以至于我有时渴望有个穿得好些、关心少些的爸爸。但我的爸爸从来都是穿着短裤、皮鞋和黑袜子为我喝彩,期望我做出伟大的成绩。 他的另一个例行问题--“车怎么样了?”从他这么个一度建议播外地电话前先把要说的问题写下来的人嘴里说出来,曾经让我惊讶他肯浪费长途电话费。我现在意识到“车怎么样了?”问的并不是车,而是一个父亲询问他成年