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Drink-driving was listed as a dangerous offence in

求一篇关于酒后驾车的英语作文 150字左右

酒后驾车 As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing. What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society. Driving u


不知道你在一个综合的原因分析,还是某一个原因的深入分析,提供3个备选答案,供你选择 1. 个别原因深入分析: To develop an equation between discrete degree of speed and traffic accident on freeway in China and give reasonable suggestions of speed management, the relation model was established between speed standard deviation and accident rate per 100,0


You may wonder why many countries only permit adults to drink. Here is the reason. The wine can paralyze human nerve, leading to the mind loss and irrational behavior. Maybe in appearance, the drinker looks very normal while drinking, his behavior is not wrong, he speaks very fluently and rationally


各位领导、各位来宾、女士们、先生们: 大家好! 茶不仅是饮品,更是中华民族与世界各国人民文化和情感交流的永恒载体。茶叶故乡办奥运、奥运增进菜更香。为了让大家更真切的感受到中国传统茶文化,更深刻的了解中国的国饮一茶。把她更进一步推广和普及到人们的生活中,让更多的朋友识茶、懂茶、爱茶,今晚我们为大家带来的是《五福茶乡情》这套茶艺特为迎2008年奥运而作。现在为来宾献上这道茶艺——— 《五福茶乡情》是由五位茶艺师身着五种不同颜色的服装,一齐演 绎五种不同某类的冲泡技巧,五种不同某类又分别代表奥运五环黄、绿。 蓝、黑、红的颜色。 中华民族讲究个“缘”字,而中国茶与奥林匹克有着惊人的巧合。


According to psychologist can lead to things of interest and the characteristics of students interested in research, combined with the characteristics of English subject and the new curriculum standards, this article on how to train students interested in English learning, teachers in the establishm