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Junior high school is the past, high school is coming, full of youth heart, into the high school. Different from the rumor of hellish learning, the original high school life is still colorful.


The tense and enthusiastic classes, colorful courses, gray humor, amiable teachers, let my restless heart calm down.


At this time, I found: never heard of the class bell as beautiful, not accustomed to the class gradually also as smooth, mistakenly thought that has passed the flower season out of the shy spring, into the hot summer, more rich and passionate.



My dear Alma mater! I will leave you! I study in here for three years, life for three years. We will never forget you, my dear Alma mater, never forget you, my dear teacher. I'll never forget and you together every day... For Alma mater memory is sweet and beautiful, the grateful for Alma mater is s



The new semester has begun for more than a week. I slowly adapt to the new life of high school.


High school gives me the biggest feeling that I am busy all day, because in class, the teacher will give us a lot of homework.


Read English at 7 a.m. After that, there are four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.


The curriculum of senior high school is much higher than that of junior high school, such as Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, history and so on.


Sometimes I'm afraid to see so many books on my desk.


In addition, the content is much more difficult than before. Mathematics and physics are the most difficult for me.


At the beginning of the new semester, I must change my learning strategy to make my work more effective.


In short, although busy, my new school life is rich and beautiful.


关于刚进入高中的英语作文 急急急!

Now, the new semester has begun for more than one week. I gradually adapt to my new life in senior school. In senior school, my biggest feeling is busy, for I have classes all the day and teachers leave us a lot of homework.

In the morning, I have two periods for morning reading, Chinese and English, beginning from 7:00. After that, I have four periods in the morning and four other in the afternoon. There are many more subjects than in middle school, Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry, history and so on.

Sometimes, I am afraid of seeing so many textbooks in my desk. In addition, the contents are much more difficult than before. Math and physics are the most difficult ones for me. No matter how hard I work, I still can’t do well in them, which makes me frustrated.

Therefore, in the new beginning, I must change my learning strategies to make my work more effective. All in all, my new life in new school is good and rich, though it’s busy.





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